Wednesday 25 January 2012

A Photo Rug

My husband is eminently practical and super efficient. So much so, that when I was asked to describe him as an object at our wedding celebrations I decided on one of those sporks with a knife edge (or a sporknife as they're sometimes called). You can see one here. And if you're wondering, he described me as an ice cream cake. Because I am not, practical or efficient.

So I was pretty excited when he told me that the Christmas present he made for me was not practical and he had no idea how long it was going to last. I was also pretty excited when I opened it up and this is what I saw:

In order to make it, he started by laying out the photo sleeves in an "explosion" (his word) layout.

Then, where each of the photo sleeves lays, he shaved the carpet with scissors so that they would lay flush.

The first one, he sewed in...

...but it took way to long, so he switched to glue. A photo mount spray glue to be specific.

Last step, to slide the photos into the sleeves.

He was right. It's not at all practical. It feels weird to walk on, and even weirder to lay down on. But that's beside the point because I love it. I plan to use it for a while and then maybe get a tapestry thing to hang it on the wall. I think it's great!

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